Exercise Challenge

I’ve talked about the importance of exercise here before.  It’s vital!!  Make it a part of your routine.  I have plenty of reasons not to partake (5 kids, a job, complete psychological and physical exhaustion etc…) and I go through the same reasons NOT to do it every day just like everyone else (I could be sleeping!  I should be paying bills…is there a kid I’m supposed to be picking up?) but I ignore the voices and make myself exercise.

Try this.  Put on your workout clothes and sit down and write for 15 minutes.  After 15 minutes, get up and go workout.  It doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of a sentence or a thought or staring at a blank screen or whatever; go do it.  After your workout, go write for another 30 minutes or more.  You’ll see what I mean.  Forget about the pain in your back, cramps in your calves and that weird twitching in your toe, and focus on the clarity in your head.  It’s amazing how much easier it is to gather my thoughts after a workout.  I challenge you to try it.

Down to business…

Trying to decide exactly how to format your query letter?  Do you format an e-query different than a snail mail query?  (Yes!)  How long should that synopsis be?  Did you format your manuscript correctly?

Check out the link below from AgentQuery.com.  It’s an older post but still accurate and an easy, informative read.


Keep on writing!

About One Strong Southern Girl

I write fitness tips and reviews on exercise videos. I also write young adult fiction. I love tattoos and books. I exercise...a lot. I'm a parent, wife, sister, daughter, and friend. View all posts by One Strong Southern Girl

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