Synopsis Workout…

My mind has rejected the very idea of editing a synopsis today.  Much like my body completely rejected the idea of working out this afternoon.  But despite the obese little devil that perched on my right shoulder and teased me with the idea of a much-needed nap, I chose to listen to the angel on my left (she’s been watching way too much Jillian Michaels) and painfully completed a much-needed workout.

Now I need to continue to shut out that rotund little satan that’s clouding my thoughts with a reality TV marathon, eating strawberry peanut butter M&M’s until I’m sick (hey, I worked out), and here comes a vision of that nap again.  Let’s be honest, working out is fun (in its own way), writing a synopsis is not.  But it’s a necessary evil that I cannot avoid, much like the physical pain I’ll be experiencing tomorrow (can you say, ‘one too many squats’, I’ll let you know if I’m able to leverage myself off the toilet tonight), but that is a part of the game.  If you want to sell, or attempt to sell, your writing you must write a (perfectly wonderful) synopsis, you cannot avoid it.

I’m looking forward to the mental exhilaration that will come once it’s done.  I don’t think it will compare to the ‘high’ of a good run but I’ll let you know…

About One Strong Southern Girl

I write fitness tips and reviews on exercise videos. I also write young adult fiction. I love tattoos and books. I exercise...a lot. I'm a parent, wife, sister, daughter, and friend. View all posts by One Strong Southern Girl

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